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Regular price $1,500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,500.00 USD
Sale Sold out

The Heir Forensic Firm Offers A Wide Variety Of Services; Surveillance, Comprehensive Background Investigation, Asset Investigations, Forensic Psychology, And More, With That Said, We Work Just Like Attorneys Do, We Come Up With A Scope Of Services, Take A Retainer To Cover The Number Of Hours And Or Costs, Then Get Started

We Work On A Four Hour Minimum Per Day; It’s That Easy, This Way We Are Most Effective At Work Uninterruptedly; If The Job Is Anything Less Than $1,500, We Typically Charge The Entire Amount Upfront And Work Towards That Amount If It’s A Large Job Exceeding $5,000; We’ll Often Charge Half Upfront And The Second Half Once We’ve Reached The Original $1,500 Retainer’s Fee
Once The Service Is Agreed Upon And Entered Into A Contract By The Client; The Retainer Will Be Taken, And The Investigators Or Psychologists Will Commit It To Their Schedule; At That Point, The Client Can Not Back Out; If The Client And Investigators Or Psychologist Agree To Terminate The Assignment There Will Be A Fee Of Four Hours, If There’s A Request To Terminate The Assignment Is Under Forty-Eight hours Or Two Days, An Eight Hours Day Will Be Charged To The Client
If Discovered That The Client For Any Reason, Lied Or Misled Investigators Or Psychologist As To The Scope Of The Investigation, The Investigators Or Psychologists Will Terminate The Investigations And Keep The Retainer, If The Client {Accidentally Or Otherwise} “Tips Off” The Subject Of The Investigations, The Investigation Will Be Terminated And Charged Accordingly, If Any Remaining Balance Is Due, It Will Be Returned Via Certified Check
NOTE: Due To The Amount Of Credit Card Fraud, The Monies Will Be Returned Via Certified Check After The Funds Have Cleared The Banks {Up To But Not Limited To Three Weeks}
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